Role of Major Homoeopathic
Remedies in the Treatment of cases of Anxiety Neurosis
may be defined as a state of anticipation of something unpleasant about to
happen, Accompanied by a feeling of inner tension and somatic manifestations Such
as - Tense muscles, Sweating ,Tremor ,Tachycardia
anxiety is a symptom of many psychological disorders, there is a state in which
it dominates the picture and this is known as anxiety neurosis. This is most
common form of psychoneurosis.
Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder
- Apprehension, Fear of impending disaster, Irritability, Depersonalisation.
(ii)Somatic symptoms- Tremor , Sweating , Palpitations,
Chest pain, Breathlessness , Headache, , Dizziness,.Diarrhoea, Frequency of
micturation, Initial insomnia, Poor concentration.
Comparision of some remedies
Ars iod
Arg nit
more an anxiety remedy than an anger remedy
resulting from sudden terror, or fright, or accident, resulting in fear of
death, of crowds, of crossing the street, of the future.
Are nervous and restless.
Become oversensitive and fault-finding.
Attached to money, to people with lots of influence,
power and are afraid to lose them because they want their support
A warm blooded person with all symptoms of Ars.
Apprehensive kind of anxiety that often makes
them feel impulsive and hurried.
Fear of heights , desire for sweets,
warm blooded, poor digestion with bloating
Sense of fear similar to Gelsemium
Aurum has anxiety about duty.
Debility from mental labor
Melancholic mood with restlessness and longing for
death. He does nothing but ask questions.
slightest opposition he flies into a heated passion and anger
Fear of specters , delusion that they see ghosts.
Totally unaware of reality.
Resembles lot of Cal and Bell can be indicated in
acute stages of Cal.
Anxiety associated with horrible pain in stomach. He
can faint with the pain in stomach.
A definite desire for company.
Company to complain to
The main anxiety
in Bry will be about
the future,
about his retirement,
about his
fund, about his
Despair of recovery.
Effects of vexation,
leaving irritability,
with chill
coldness of body
Calc phos
Carbo veg
Sensation that his heart is going more quickly or
will stop suddenly.
Palpitations from disappointment in his love
Fear of death
Every time when you have a person with many fears,
in the first place think about Calc and Phos.
The anxiety of Calc is especially about what people
would think of him. He is worried that people could observe how confused is he.
Anxiety about the future, about money, about being
robbed, about being poor, like in Bry.
Horrible stories, car accident on television, threat
of nuclear war etc bring on terrible anxiety.They are easily embarrassed.
Horrible things and sad stories affect profoundly.
Ailments from bad news.
Anxiety will drive from place to place.
It is an inner restlessness, an inner excitement, an
inner discontentment, like Tuberculinum.
Children show anxiety on raising from the cradle
[opp Bor]
Anxiety in thunderstorm, fear of thunderstorm
Anxiety in states of collapse, with an icy cold
feeling of the whole body eg . in cholera
Strange mental symptom is feeling better by thinking
of pain.
indica -Anxiety and fear is to lose control. An overactive mind with much
theorizing, afraid to become insane. Often grind their teeth in sleep and are
very forgetful. Have to write everything down to the last detail.
Anxiety about darkness and ghosts.
Resembles a lot like Ars but is less fearful than
Much more indifference in Carbo veg and they are
very shy like Puls.
Anxiety of china is out of suspicion.
He fears some kind of misfortune.
He has absolutely no confidence in the world around
Has a fear of being alone.
Anxiety of pregnant women
, yet fears to
be alone. Weakened
of intellect and memory ;
very forgetful
Very ill humoured
Kali ars
Kali carb
Kali phos
Is cautious, very cautious, anxiously cautious,
always expecting something could happen. [Phos]. But in Phos it is more
clairvoyance, he just feels it will happen. In Caust it is a mental process.
He thinks about everything that could happen in order to avoid it. Full of
cares. Always thinks that he has forgotten something like did I lock the
door? Did I switch off the lights ? Very much concerned about everybody.
There is much sympathy. Will weep out of sympathy with others. Feel
uncomfortable on injustice. This may incite them to rebellion.
Every form of anxiety is worse in the evening. Fear
of darkness.
Has an anxiety about the future.
Has anxiety of conscience.
He will sense the fear in his stomach and usually
there will be some cardiac symptoms.
Keynotes for digitalis are slow pulse and the desire
for bitter things.
There is a contrast with Aconite, the excited ,
intense aspect is lacking. Anxiety from pending ordeal such as examination or
other event. Can tend towards hysteria but more often become dazed .Often has
Feel anxious , worried, uncontrollable when they are
quiet, when they are resting. Feeling as if forgotten something like Caust
and he has to write everything down. They are loners like Nat m, Sep and Arn.
Can not stand hunger and heat.
It is the health condition that preoccupies Kali ars
the most . They will have a check up every month, they will visit every
specialist and still feel uncomfortable.
The main fear they have is of a heart disease
Anxiety arises from the stomach. They fear to be
Angry and irritable Very easily frightened Anxious
fears Reticent
after being
He will
suffer from a
lack of
self –
before an exam.
everything he learnt,
he will even not find his
when he is speaking.
Nat cab
Rhus tox
Cowardness is a main symptom in Lyc.
Nice outside but tyrant at home
Anxiety while appearing in public and. Before exam
,but once they start they do well
Anxiety comes from plexus solaris.
He has an apprehension in stomach. Restlessness when
alone , with desire for company
Anxiety is provoked by thunderstorms or noises or
Very civilized, refined, delicate people. Very
precise, conscientious about trifles.
Ailments from exposure to sun
Anxiety about health.
They will actually go from one doctor to another and
never feel quieted by their diagnosis.
They are difficult to please, not moved by
apologies, complaining a lot and they will try to transfer their anxiety into
“Are you sure that you will cure me? How many cases
have you cured?
Phos and Calc are the most fearful remedies of our
materia medica.
They are
easily out of balance.
Enormous anxiety. Like Caust they fear that something might happen.
Anxiety worse when they are alone.
similar to Bry in his anxiety about
the future and his anxiety about the state of his stock market.
drives him quickly to despair and suicidal thoughts
anxious that they will never get cured, easily have a forsaken feeling.
at night in bed, driving out of bed.
motion or tossing about in bed.
Sad ,
anxious and tearful
with fear of death or of being poisoned
drives him to all kinds of fruitless activity, repetitive action, gestures,
singing, wringling of hands etc
Fear of cancer or some incurable disease.