Dr. Boenninghausen “Father of Repertory”.
Dr. Aijaz Aziz Sulemani
Asstt. Professor
M. N. Homoeopathic Medical College,
and Research Institute, Bikaner.
As long as the method of curing diseases by drug according to the principles of homoeopathy exists, the name of Dr. Boenninghausen will always be associated with that of Dr. Hahnemann. His contribution to homoeopathic science and literature was phenomenal.
Boenninghausen’s works in the order of their appearance are as follows -
The cure of cholera and its preventatives - 1831
Repertory of the Antipsoric medicines, with a preface by Hahnemann – 1832
Summary view of the chief sphere of operation of the Antipsoric remedies and of their characteristic peculiarities, as an Appendix to their Repertory - 1833 .
An attempt at a Homoeopathic Therapy of intermittent fever – 1833
Contributions to a knowledge of the peculiarities of Homoeopathic remedies -1833
Homoeopathic diet and a complete image of a Disease (for the non professional public. - 1833.
Homoeopathy, a manual for the non medical public.1834.
Repertory of medicines which are not Antipsoric. 1835.
An Attempt at showing the Relative kinship of homoeopathic medicines -1836.
Therapeutic manual of homoeopathic physicians, for use at the sickbed and in the study of Materia medica pura - 1846.
Brief instruction for non physician as to the prevention and cure of cholera - 1849.
The Two sides of the human body and Relationships. Homoeopathic studies -1853.
The Homoeo. Domestic Physician in Brief Therapeutic Diagnoses, An Attempt -1853.
The Homoeopathic Treatment of Whooping Cough in its Various Forms - 1860.
The Aphorisms of Hippocrates, with Notes by a Homoeopath -1863.
Attempt at a Homoeopathic Therapy of Intermittent and Other Fevers, especially for would-be homoeopaths.
Second augmented and revised edition, Part I. The Pyrexy - 1864.
Dr. Boenninghausen was far ahead of his time. He was first to:
Published a general repertory at a time when there was no short-cut approach to the study of growing homoeopathic materia medica.
Introduce the concept of Grading or Individual evaluation of each remedy to the given symptom.
First to enunciate the principle of Grand generalisation or Doctrine of Analogy.
Recognised the presence of Concomitant symptoms in a prover or in a patient.
Being a criminal lawyer and working in agriculture land he started realising the comparative value of remedies with each in relation to the patient. And this laid down the foundation of concordance or relationship of remedies., That no remedy work in isolation.
They are either have some common symptoms in their pathogenesis or contrasting symptoms or modalities or location of action or concomitant by which we differentiate one from the other. We should study them in comparison so that we know which to prescribe amongst them (what to give, when to give, why to give).
Boenninghausen therapeutic pocket book has 482 small pages.
It contain 335 rubrics which are not to be found in Kent’s 1423 large pages.
In brief he at once raise the repertory from a mere index or dictionary to the pedestal of a system.
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