Review Article
Importance of PH level as a maintaining cause during
homoeopathic case taking/ treatment : Update
A.K.Singh* A Sulemani** N.Singh***
Expression of cause in homoeopathy is causation, which are the factors responsible for a symptom produced in an individual patient. The causations and modalities mentioned in the materia medica and also in the repertories are the exciting causes that can result in the production of symptoms in a sensitive or susceptible individual. Our body is sensitive to the external world and reacts to any stimuli on the basis of individual sensitivity and susceptibility developed as a result of the miasmatic background. Some external influences can activate the latent psora and the signs and symptoms are manifested externally.
Dr Hahnemann offered several insights into the
subject of causation. Later, after several years' practice he found out the
concept of miasms as the real cause of diseases. As per Hahnemann, maisms are
diseases having "one and the same cause". He was the first to
postulate a complete theory of susceptibility, infection and how they affect
our immunity. He understood the fact that miasmic infectious diseases are the
basis of all diseases. He also identified the non-miasmatic diseases that can
cause prolonged sickness as a result of several internal as well as external
factors. If these maintaining causes
are removed, the recovery is possible.
of the Causations mentioned in Boericke repertory is :
Complaints due to food and drinks: Indigestion, defective nutrition &assimilation, overeating,
fasting, hasty eating and drinking, bottle feeding, artificial food, breakfast,
beer, tea, bread, butter, cabbage, cheese, cold/hot drinks, egg, fish, meat,
fruits, melons, mushroom, onion, oyster, pastry, pork, potato, salt, sausage,
soup, coffee, lemonade, spices, milk, fat, acids, decayed food, sour food,
sweets, starchy food, strawberries, farinaceous food, seasoned food, vegetables,
vinegar, vine, veal, impure water, flatulent food, cucumber, unripe fruits,
indigestible items. Which in general is very much responsible to maintain
the body PH.1a
Most people are
familiar with acid rain and the damage it does to our environment. Acid has a
similar effect on the internal human environment. Therefore we need to become
internal environmentalists and safeguard our internal health.
PH stands for “potential of hydrogen” and is the measure of how acidic or alkaline a substance is – pH levels range from 0 – 14, with 7 being neutral.
The normal pH of the body:
Gastric acid = 1.0-2.0
Normal urine = 6.0 to 6.5 in the morning
6.5 to 7.0 in the evening
Saliva = 6.5 to 7.5
Blood = 7.4
When pH level decreases, it signifies that body is more acidic, and when it rises, body is more alkaline. Litmus paper is a simple tool to measure and monitor pH levels and is available to test saliva pH and urine pH. Urine testing may be more reliable as saliva values are more difficult to interpret since they are impacted by digestive impairment and are influenced greatly by our blood. Several variables have to be taken into consideration when doing these kinds of tests – all ingested food and all situations (physical, emotional or mental) can play a role in acidity or alkalinity levels.
In general, people are more likely to have an acidity imbalance rather than an alkaline imbalance. The Western diet can be very acidic with a lot of meat, sugar and processed foods1. Tobacco, alcohol, coffee and low physical activity are also contributors to an acidic environment – and while we could counter this to some degree by eating more alkaline-producing foods like vegetables, these things are often times not as abundant as they should be on our grocery list.
Acid-forming reaction refers to any changes in the body that produce a decreased ability to energize the system and leave an acid residue in the urine2. Acid-forming minerals found in food are: phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, iodine, bromine, fluorine, copper and silicon.3
When you have a highly acidic diet, it puts pressure on your body’s regulating systems to work at achieving a neutral pH – this depletes your blood of the alkaline forming minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium to act as buffers, and can lead to chronic and degenerative illnesses.4 In addition, disease – including cancer – thrives in acidic environments, which makes it easier for you to get sick – and stay sick.
In contrast, when our body is more alkaline,
bacteria and viruses are less able to survive and disease doesn’t have as great
of an opportunity to occur.5
Finally, we also recognize that the impact of stress on body is as powerful as the foods we eat. Any major stress will leave its acid residue. Because of the body’s reaction to go into fight mode when stressed, excessive hormones are secreted and even foods that are alkaline will turn acidic.
Finally, we also recognize that the impact of stress on body is as powerful as the foods we eat. Any major stress will leave its acid residue. Because of the body’s reaction to go into fight mode when stressed, excessive hormones are secreted and even foods that are alkaline will turn acidic.
Signs of an acid imbalance in body:
Weight gain, obesity and diabetes
Lack of energy and constant fatigue
Hormonal problems
Osteoporosis and joint pain
Slow digestion and elimination
Tendency to get infections
Gastric acid(HCL) is an acid, but is vital for digestion. It allows the stomach to break food down and to maintain proper alkaline/acid balance. It becomes alkaline after its job is done. HCL is also first line of defence against microbes that might enter our body with our food. Adequate HCL levels greatly decrease tissue acid waste build up.
Alkaline imbalance is quite uncommon compared to acid imbalance. According to some authors, over-alkalinity is very rare and occurs in the blood, not in the tissues.6
Alkaline-forming reaction refers to any changes in the body which produce an increased ability to energize the system and leaves an alkaline residue in the urine. Alkaline-forming minerals found in food are: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron and manganese. When we ingest alkaline-forming minerals at one sitting, the remainder will be stored in the body tissues for future use.7
Alkaline imbalance is quite uncommon compared to acid imbalance. According to some authors, over-alkalinity is very rare and occurs in the blood, not in the tissues.6
Alkaline-forming reaction refers to any changes in the body which produce an increased ability to energize the system and leaves an alkaline residue in the urine. Alkaline-forming minerals found in food are: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron and manganese. When we ingest alkaline-forming minerals at one sitting, the remainder will be stored in the body tissues for future use.7
PH of Common Foods
A diet consisting of at least a 60 percent of alkaline-forming foods and 40 percent acid-forming foods. And when we need to restore our health, the ratio should be more like 80 percent / 20 percent. Supplementing our diet by drinking blended green leafy vegetable drinks is a quick and easy way to create a more alkaline environment in our body8
A list of high acid-forming and high
alkaline-forming foods is given:
High Acidity
Blueberries, cranberries, prunes and sweetened fruit juices
Wheat, white bread, pastries, biscuits and pasta
Beef, Pork and shellfish
Cheese, homogenized milk, ice cream, custard
Peanuts and walnuts
Beer, liquor and soft drinks Artificial Sweeteners and chocolate
High Alkalinity
Asparagus, onions, vegetable juices, parsley, raw spinach, broccoli,
garlic, barley grass
Lemon, watermelon, limes, grapefruit, mangoes, papayas
Olive oil
Herb Teas, lemon water
Lemon, watermelon, limes, grapefruit, mangoes, papayas
Olive oil
Herb Teas, lemon water
coconut water, dates, raisins, spinach9
It’s easy to test your pH balance on your own. Its
a suggestion that people test their first morning urine for seven days to
determine their average pH. Even better: Test before dinner as
well.You can get pH test strips at
pharmacies. They are inexpensive. When exposed to urine, the strip will turn a color, which
you then compare to the chart accompanying the strips on which colors are
assigned a number. If the average of your seven-day urinary pH levels is
between 6.6 and 7, that’s good. Keep in mind that stress can make one acidic,
as can some medications, toxins (such as mercury and lead) and intestinal
infections (such as yeast or parasites). If you find your readings are too
acidic, increase your intake of fruits and vegetables until your average pH
value is between 6.6 and 7. If you change your diet and do not see improvement,
consult with a holistic doctor who can determine and treat internal imbalances
contributing to your acidity.9
8) chapter
#18 – “Benefits Of Greens”.
9) Bottom Line Natural
Healing newsletter, author of The
Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies

To, Date:
The Editor
Dear Sir
Please find enclosed manuscript entitled “ Importance of PH level as a maintaining cause during
homoeopathic case taking/ treatment : Update ” for publication under the section of “Review Article”. There
is no financial conflict of interest. The manuscript is not under consideration
elsewhere for publication.
Thanking you
Yours Sincerely
Dr. Aijaz
A. Sulemani
I-D 95
jnv colony
Bikaner -
Rajasthan, India
Ph: 0091
“ Importance of PH level as a maintaining cause during
homoeopathic case taking/ treatment ”.: Update
A.K.Singh* Professor
Deptt of Organon of Medicine
A Sulemani** Associate
Professor, Deptt of Repertory
N.Singh*** Asst. Prof, Deptt of Obs& Gyn
Total page- 5